Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Summary of Peer Review Responses

I used SurveyMonkey to collect data for my peer review and by 10:30 this evening had 5 respondents. The third question of said survey after the "What is your name?" and the "Are you an AP World History student?" questions was the question "Did you have prior knowledge of Baltic Mythology?" 100% of my respondents had no prior knowledge which honestly surprised me. I'm not sure why, but I did sort of expect for someone to have had some previous encounters with the subject.

 1 out of the 5 respondents stated that the posts should possibly longer, but the other 4 made comments about appreciating the conciseness of this blog, which for me was the goal of the format this blog. All of my respondents stated that they thought the blog accurately addressed the driving question, with special focus paid to the post about holidays and festivals.

 The Music post tied with the Holidays post for most effectively answering the driving question. The geography post was stated as the least helpful for length and addressing the driving question which I attempted to revise, though I do still feel that this post is lacking. At the request of 3 reviewer I added extended commentary to some of the posts. Upon the question "What could be done to better answer the driving question a fuller ending summary was requested which I have since posted. Overall I received a positive to response  to my blog.

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